NURS6990 MTSU ICU Delirium Search Methods & PICO Part 2 Assignment Share with your classmates what your anticipated outline for your literature results loo | Homework Answers

NURS6990 MTSU ICU Delirium Search Methods & PICO Part 2 Assignment Share with your classmates what your anticipated outline for your literature results looks like. This will help you organize your thoughts and highlight your themes. Keep it as brief as possible, using either a bulleted or numbered outlined. You can then use it to write your assignment Intro-Methods-Results. Remember to outline each portion (Intro-Methods-Results). Use headings and subheadings to organize and provide clarity. You may find that you have to do more than one literature search as you narrow or widen your original search. This is perfectly normal. NURS 6990 Scholarly Synthesis
Search activity
My research question:
Places to search for
List of sources
Date of search
Search strategy used,
including any limits
Total number of results

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NURS6990 MTSU ICU Delirium Search Methods & PICO Part 2 Assignment Share with your classmates what your anticipated outline for your literature results loo | Homework Answers
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