Nutrient and waste exchange occur-systematic circulation | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. Which structure does blood pass through immediately beforeentering the right atrium?
a. vena cava
b. aorta
c. aatrioventricular valve
d. semilunar valve
e. left atrium
2. Which structure has the lowest blood presssure in the systematic circulation?
a. vena cava
b. aortra
c. atrioventricular valve
d. semilunar valve
e. left atrium
3. The latin root word for ‘of the lungs’ underlies theterm
a. renal
b. systematic
c. hepatic portal
d. pulmonary
e. coronary
4. Nutrient and waste exchange occur in the
a. arteries
b. veins
c. aarterioles
d. venules
e. capillaries
5. Which statement is NOT true about red blood cells?
a. they are biconave disks that lack nuclei
b. their normal life span is about 120 days
c. hemoglobin is a protein that binds oxygen loosely totransport it
d. there are about 4-6 million red blood cells per cubicmillimeter of whole blood
e. they are mainly produced in the liver

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