Oedipus the King or Beowulf | Get Quick Solution

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Oedipus the King or Beowulf | Get Quick Solution
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In a 2007 interview, David Simon described his television series The Wire as “Greek tragedy for the new millennium, so to speak.” We might well say the same of several other recent series, such as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, or Sons of Anarchy for example. Examine this notion of “Greek tragedy for the new millennium” with reference to Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and any aspect of The Wire, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, or Sons of Anarchy you choose. Focus on a single scene, a particular character, a notable episode, or a series as a whole. Episodes of these series are available here. NOTE: If there is another series or film that you wish to analyse as “Greek tragedy for the new millennium,” I encourage you to do so.


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