On March 7, 2001, Congress overturned those rules. In your opinion, was this the right or wrong thing On March 7, 2001, Congress overturned those rules. In your opinion, was this the right or wrong thing to do? Explain your answer and reasoning. to do? Explain your answer and reasoning. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
Safety Plan
Consider the following scenario.
You are the safety and occupational health professional for your city’s health department. You received a call from a major food-distribution warehouse about some employees who are complaining of dizziness and feeling sick.
The scene is a very large warehouse; a significant portion is refrigerated. The illnesses are being reported from a refrigerated section (about 40 degrees F), where workers are blister packing food products on a production line. The warehouse has 20 loading docks, two railroad car lines that end directly inside the warehouse (in close proximity to the production area), a dozen or so gas powered forklifts, and no sensors or environmental monitors of any kind except those associated with the refrigeration systems.
The warehouse manager is cooperative, but he points out that he is in the miIDle of contract negotiations with the union. He is also very proud of the fact that they have special seals on the loading dock doors and throughout the warehouse to keep the cold in and the heat out.
You cannot identify any discernible odors other than the exhaust from the forklifts when they move by you. There are four women waiting for you in the break room complaining of dizziness and lightheadedness. They are all comparing and complaining about their symptoms. There are 14 employees who work in this area of the warehouse: 12 women and 2 men.
Based on the given scenario, develop a plan of action that includes how you would conduct the investigation, how you would identify possible sources of the problem, and your opinion on the likely source. BOS 3001, Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health Discuss the standards applicable to possible sources. Include several recommendations you would make to the manager to help solve the problem based on your research into documented best practices for similar situations. Note: You may make assumptions about the scenario in order to propose solutions (be certain to state your assumptions clearly).
Your Case Study must be four to six pages in length, double spaced. All sources used, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
on November 13, 2000, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued extensive ergonomics rules that required virtually all employers to create programs to protect employees against repetitive stress disorders. On March 7, 2001, Congress overturned those rules. In your opinion, was this the right or wrong thing to do? Explain your answer and reasoning.
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