Organizational Reports Questions QUESTION 1: What are the two basic types of informal reports? QUESTION 2: What are the differences between direct and i | Homework Answers

Organizational Reports Questions QUESTION 1:

What are the two basic types of informal reports?

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Organizational Reports Questions QUESTION 1: What are the two basic types of informal reports? QUESTION 2: What are the differences between direct and i | Homework Answers
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What are the differences between direct and indirect organizations?


What two kinds of reports might you have to write in the future?


Compare the following two online reports: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

As you compare them, keep the audiences in mind. The first is aimed at the general public as well as a special section aimed at policy makers, and the second is aimed at investors. In your comparison, consider how each meets/doesn’t meet the 7 Cs. Which is the stronger report and why?


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