Phil 1301 make argument | Get Quick Solution

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In module two, you reviewed several arguments whose purpose is to prove God’s necessary and sufficient existence. Each of these arguments approaches the idea of God from the perspective of His containing all perfections, especially that of creator. This means that if any of these arguments turns out to be true it follows that the basis of scientific speculation about the creation of the universe and of life must be wrong. In module one you learned about the scientific method, and especially the application of this method to thought experiments. That is through the application of reasoned and logical argumentation one may explore and expose the core assumptions of the assertions and belief statements central to the argument. Then by imaginatively testing the validity and truth of these assumptions, come to some conclusion about the reasonableness and possibility of truth pertaining to that argument. For this assignment take any one of the arguments for God’s existence and in your own words summarize, (1) Its main points, (2) tell me what its strong points are, and (3) subject it to a thought experiment of your own design (that means, don’t copy from the book), to show whether the argument is reasonable or not according to what you learned in module one. Finally, if it is reasonable, talk a little about why it convinces you, and if you believe it does not, say why not (use just a few sentences here or at most a short summary type paragraph).

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