Phylogenetic tree, The study of Biology may seem | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

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Phylogenetic tree, The study of Biology may seem | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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The study of Biology may seem overwhelming at times due to the complexity and diversity of life. However, Biologists utilize some methods intended to improve organization and ease communication about living organisms. One of these is the development of phylogenetic trees. Evidence from many sources indicates that all life on Earth are genetically related. In this discussion board, please include the following: Describe what kinds of evidence are used to construct a phylogenetic tree and, in your own words, what this tree represents. Analyze which evidence provides the most accurate information on which to build a phylogenetic tree. What is the organism Tiktaalik roseae and how has it helped us understand the origins of animal life. Are humans part of this overall description of these relationships? who are the closest relatives to humans? How do we know that?


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