Please help me with this Dashboard Project Plan! | Get Quick Solution

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Please help me with this Dashboard Project Plan! | Get Quick Solution
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For this assignment, you are to create a plan for your dashboard. This plan will be reviewed by one of your peers. Grading is simple – you will receive up to 20 points for completing the plan (see Rubric for details), and zero points if you don’t submit anything. The purpose of the plan is to ensure you are on track with a good idea of what you want to do with the data. You do not need to create any charts at this point, only describe in words the following points:

  1. What questions you want the dashboard to answer?
  2. What dataset are you going to use?
  3. What specific data within the dataset will help answer your questions, ie. which tables apply to your questions?
  4. What charts/visualizations will fit the data and help answer your questions?

A good start to a dashboard plan is, “I will focus on the revenues and expenses of this company and how they track over time and among the regions. There are three questions I would like this dashboard to address. The first is, how do the differences between revenues and expenses compare overtime? To answer this question, I will use a line chart to graph the data…”

Other plan considerations: Your plan should be between 300 and 500 words. Be complete, but be direct.


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