POL495A CUA Sp’19 Arm Conflict Research Project To complete this question you need to do all the listed parts of the project 1- esearch proposal 2 pages | Homework Answers

POL495A CUA Sp’19 Arm Conflict Research Project To complete this question you need to do all the listed parts of the project

1- esearch proposal 2 pages

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POL495A CUA Sp’19 Arm Conflict Research Project To complete this question you need to do all the listed parts of the project 1- esearch proposal 2 pages | Homework Answers
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2- Research outline 2-3 pages

3- Bibliography – at least 30 sources – 50% of the sources should be scholarly (peer reviewed) journals and books

4- Partial Rough Draft 10-12 pages of the final paper

5- Final research paper 20-25 pages

6- Formal presentation 10-12 minutes

The topic I will be doing this project about is ( Arm conflict )

All the details and the instructions are found in the attached file


General Background:

A. Project Overview and Context: Your project must have as its central theme some issue/problem of global social justice. That is, it cannot focus on the internal dynamics of an individual country. However, specific details or dynamics of particular countries may be incorporated as evidence or examples to support your central thesis. The analysis must be explicitly grounded in one or more aspects of global social justice as discussed in the “Global Justice” reading.

B. Critical Components: There are five specific critical components or questions that need to be thoroughly examined in your analysis.

1. What is the nature of injustice(s) or oppression relevant to the selected issue?

2. What are the key historical developments, cases, situations, etc. that have shaped the issue?

3. What are the contemporary political dynamics of the global social justice issue?

4. How do policies relevant to the issue have an impact on various groups/individuals?

5. What are potential solutions to correct the injustices that have been identified?

Assignments Overview: Several individual assignments comprise this project. Each is detailed below and builds on previous assignments and the feedback that you receive on them. Some assignments are written while others are oral in nature. The final product is twofold: a research paper of 20-25 pages (6000 – 7500 words) in length (exclusive of title page, appendices and bibliography); a formal presentation that discusses your research topic and findings.

All written assignments should adhere to the style guide for your discipline: Criminal Justice – APA; Political Science – Chicago.

All the details and the instructions are found in the attached file POL495A: SPRING 2019
The following guidelines will assist you with your Research Project; general comments
about the overall project as well as a description of each component are included. Please
contact me if you have any questions. All assignments are to be submitted by midnight on
the due date (see Course Schedule) using the corresponding link in Canvas (Modules ?
Assignments, Guidelines & Rubrics).
General Background:
A. Project Overview and Context: Your project must have as its central theme
some issue/problem of global social justice. That is, it cannot focus on the
internal dynamics of an individual country. However, specific details or dynamics
of particular countries may be incorporated as evidence or examples to support
your central thesis. The analysis must be explicitly grounded in one or more
aspects of global social justice as discussed in the “Global Justice” reading.
B. Critical Components: There are five specific critical components or questions
that need to be thoroughly examined in your analysis.
1. What is the nature of injustice(s) or oppression relevant to the selected
2. What are the key historical developments, cases, situations, etc. that have
shaped the issue?
3. What are the contemporary political dynamics of the global social justice
4. How do policies relevant to the issue have an impact on various
5. What are potential solutions to correct the injustices that have been
C. Assignments Overview: Several individual assignments comprise this project.
Each is detailed below and builds on previous assignments and the feedback
that you receive on them. Some assignments are written while others are oral in
nature. The final product is twofold: a research paper of 20-25 pages (6000 –
7500 words) in length (exclusive of title page, appendices and bibliography); a
formal presentation that discusses your research topic and findings.
All written assignments should adhere to the style guide for your discipline:
Criminal Justice – APA; Political Science – Chicago.
Research Proposal: 100 pts
The research proposal is an initial assignment that describes/details your project.
There are two parts that comprise it: the topic description and a working
bibliography of at least 30 potential sources (consistent with the appropriate style
manual for your major/discipline).
A. Topic Description: a well-developed 2-page document (double spaced) that
integrates the following elements:
1. Draft thesis statement
2. Detailed description of the topic including all relevant subtopics, core
concepts, relevant related ideas, etc.
3. Discussion of the core idea(s) raised in the “Global Justice” reading that will
be the foundation of your project
4. Research Parameters – time frame, cultural/country(ies)/global context, etc.
5. Detailed timeline of research tasks and when they will be completed. This is
not merely a reiteration of assignment due dates. Rather, you need to
identify specific tasks that will lead to the successful completion of those
B. Working Bibliography: a preliminary bibliography of potential sources that are
related to your topic. You are not expected to have read all of the sources at
this point. However, you should do an initial screening for topical relevance,
potential biases/validity and datedness (is the source too old to be relevant, e.g.
statistical/data sources)
1. at least 30 potential sources
2. balance of primary and secondary sources
3. at least 50% of the sources should be scholarly (peer reviewed) journals and
4. central and all primary subtopics should have multiple sources
Research Outline & Revised Working Bibliography: 150 pts
The research outline provides a complete organizational “blueprint” of the final
paper. It needs to be as detailed as possible to indicate all of the substantive
sections and subsections of the paper. Thus, explanatory text should be provided to
clarify headings and subheadings. A revised working bibliography should also be
Some thought needs to be given to the overall organization of the sections to
ensure that there is a logical, coherent flow for the paper. Be aware of the
relationship(s) between sections and subsections to avoid redundancy or omissions.
The outline format should be consistent with the appropriate style manual for your
major/discipline. Please note that these guidelines are in correct Chicago
outline format as a model.
A. Outline:
1. 2-3 page document (single spaced)
2. each primary entry (I) needs to include a brief description (1-2 sentences) of
the purpose/scope of that section
3. subordinate sections (A; 1; a.) should clearly indicate their content, again
using brief phrases to supplement the keywords
B. Working Bibliography:
1. at least 30 potential sources; this should reflect addition and deletion of
sources since the first working bibliography
2. balance of primary and secondary sources
3. at least 50% of the sources should be scholarly (peer reviewed) journals and
4. central and all primary subtopics should have multiple sources
Research Meetings #1 & #2: 100 pts each
Twice during the semester, you will meet with me for an informal discussion of your
research project. Generally, we will discuss the substantive issues of the project,
your progress to date, and any concerns that you may have regarding the project.
Essentially this is an opportunity to get additional feedback/input from me on your
project. Additional sessions are strongly encouraged if you need or want them.
A. First Research Meeting:
approximately 15-20 minutes
thesis statement
feedback from proposal and outline
next steps to successfully complete the project
B. Second Research Meeting:
approximately 15-20 minutes
thesis statement (if needed)
feedback from rough draft
next steps to successfully complete the project
Partial Rough Draft: 100 pts
The partial rough draft (first 10 -12 pages) of the paper is a critical next step.
Appropriate section/subsection headings should be used; all citations and a draft
bibliography need to be included. In essence, you should be able to focus on
polishing this part of the paper as you move into the final stage of the project
A. Essential Components of a Strong Paper:
1. Title – well thought out, attention grabbing; more than just the general topic
of the paper
2. Introduction & Thesis Statement – detailed background/context of the topic
with a clear, well-articulated embedded statement of the central argument
(roughly 2-3 pages for a 20 page paper)
3. Body – well-organized content with precise headings and subheadings
4. Argument – a rigorous discussion and analysis of the topic with ample
relevant evidence, examples or case study material to support the central
and related arguments
5. Citations – appropriate for your major/discipline and consistent
(parenthetical, footnote or endnote)
6. Bibliography – an accurate and complete bibliography (NOT “Works Cited”),
again, appropriate for your major/discipline
7. Overall style & formatting – appropriate for your discipline
B. Additional Features – potentially useful but not required:
1. Use of Appendices – The purpose of a set of appendices is to provide
supplemental material for the reader. Typically this could be quantitative
information, full or excerpted text of legal documents, etc.
2. Explanatory Footnotes or Endnotes – The purpose is to provide additional
information to the reader without detracting from the primary line of
reasoning in the paper.
Final Paper: 300 pts
This should reflect all of your research efforts, the comments provided on the
returned partial rough draft as well as those resulting from your research meetings
with me.
A. Essential Components of a Strong Paper:
1. Title – well thought out, attention grabbing; more than just the general topic
of the paper
2. Introduction & Thesis Statement – detailed background/context of the topic
with a clear, well-articulated embedded statement of the central argument
(roughly 2-3 pages for a 20 page paper)
3. Body – well-organized content with precise and descriptive headings and
4. Argument – a rigorous discussion and analysis of the topic with ample
relevant evidence, examples or case study material to support the central
and related arguments
5. Conclusion (not a summary) – provides a commentary on the significance of
the research and possible subsequent areas of research
6. Citations – appropriate for your major/discipline and consistent
(parenthetical, footnote or endnote)
7. Bibliography – an accurate and complete bibliography (NOT “Works Cited”),
again, appropriate for your major/discipline
8. Overall style & formatting – appropriate for your discipline
B. Additional Features – potentially useful but not required:
1. Use of Appendices – The purpose of a set of appendices is to provide
supplemental material for the reader. Typically, this could be quantitative
information, full or excerpted text of legal documents, etc.
2. Explanatory Footnotes or Endnotes – The purpose is to provide additional
information to the reader without detracting from the primary line of
reasoning in the paper.
Formal Presentation: 150 points
Your last assignment is an oral presentation (approximately 10-12 minutes in
length) of your research project. You will video record your presentation and upload
it to Canvas. If you have any problems, please contact IT for assistance. A
PowerPoint is expected as well.
The presentation should include the following elements: an introduction to the main
issues of your research project; the thesis and primary/key points of the central
argument; your findings/conclusions.

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