Political Science Discussion Post Comment on classmate’s post (Ayinda) | Get Quick Solution

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Chapter Eight Essay

Voting is a fundamental right of any citizen that enables them to choose the leader of tomorrow. And many countries every adult of the age of 18 or older has the right to vote. This is a way to let their opinion be heard as a United States citizen. Now days a lot of individuals don’t vote, simply because they believe one bolt will not make a change, but they’re completely wrong. If you think of all the people who think the same way today, you will see that it’s a high percentage. Just a loan in the last presidential election year 2016 study shows an estimate of 46. 9% of eligible voters did not vote. And number wise this was 231,556,222 individuals did not cast a vote. many people who didn’t vote have to do with a lot of people being uneducated about the voting laws. A lot of non voters are more likely to be poor, young Or Hispanic or even Asian Americans. Also hundreds and thousands of non voters want to vote but simply can’t, some has to do with registration problems, voter ID laws are even a criminal background.

Alot of lower class Community a lot of individuals don’t vote simply because of the process. Many individuals don’t think it’s important to take off of work just to cast a vote. Compare it to wealthy voters they don’t mind taking off of work they are the more frankly voters.

I feel this can change with just a little tweak in the system. Everyone know today world is ran by technology, I believe if they change the system and allow individuals to vote via internet more people will vote. Think about it, if an individual goes to a voting poll the lowest amount of time it would take is a round an hour to an hour and a half including driving time and parking and getting their your documents prepared etc. Compared to if they were allowed to vote through the internet you might just how to create a account entering some personal information such as your social securityif they w and start the voting process. I’m thinking this will take around an estimate of 30 minutes. this will save a whole lot of time for the individuals who can’t take off of work and less hassle for the ones who have to stand in the long lines.


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