Prepare a one-page essay that summarizes Adam Gopnik, “The Paradoxical Role of Social Capital in the Coronavirus Pandemic” published 8 August 2020 in The New Yorker Magazine. | Get Quick Solution

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Prepare a one-page essay that summarizes Adam Gopnik, “The Paradoxical Role of Social Capital in the Coronavirus Pandemic” published 8 August 2020 in The New Yorker Magazine. | Get Quick Solution
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You will summarize in your own words the recent essay by Adam Gopnik, published in the New Yorker Magazine. Summary captures the main ideas in fewer words than the original.

Prepare a one-page essay that summarizes Adam Gopnik, “The Paradoxical Role of Social Capital in the Coronavirus Pandemic” published 8 August 2020 in The New Yorker Magazine.


Your summary should be succinct, comprehensive, and objective.Include one direct quote from Gopnik’s essay, properly cited and punctuated. Follow MLA Style formatting and documentation. Correctly introduce and cite “The Paradoxical Role of Social Capital in the Coronavirus Pandemic,” which can be found at (Links to an external site.)

Your essay should be one-page, double-spaced. Your task is to summarize the content, in your own words. You do not have to agree or disagree with Gopnik. You are demonstrating you understand his argument well enough to put it into your own words, succinctly and objectively.

As always, remember to compose a title (not Gopnik’s title, but your own). Your title should NOT be “Summary Assignment.”

Be sure to use MLA Style correctly.


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