Present both sides as to what was the cause of the civil war in a paper. | Get Quick Solution

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Present both sides as to what was the cause of the civil war in a paper. | Get Quick Solution
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You will write a short research essay (7 pages), using APA citation format, on the two conflicting arguments as to what was the start of the civil war. After you PRESENT the two arguments in the paper, choose which you support.

i have provided the two sides of the argument to write about and sources you must cite with them.

– One side of the argument you will present is that the Civil War was started because of major economic issues and tariffs between the manufacturing north and the free-trade south were a main factor of the start of the civil war.

– The second side will be that the start of the war was simply over slavery, etc. which caused the secession of the south.

These are the correlating sources to be cited for this both of these arguments. Please add cited sources as you work on the research for the paper.,9171,2063869,00.html


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