Public Health Issue | Browse Homework Help

Public Health Issue

Action Items: 1. Identify a public health issue, such as an epidemic or natural disaster that occurred in the U.S. within the last two years.
2. Conduct research about the public health issue focusing, at a minimum, on the following topics:
Describe the cause of the issue, and the extent of its damage to healthcare, morbidity, and mortality.
Describe how the PHIN was involved in dealing with this issue and the extent to which it was, or was not, effective.
Identify how the U.S. might deal differently with this issue if it occurred tomorrow, and the potential impact the current PHIN might have to alter the extent of the damage caused by the issue.
~You must incorporate research from at least three relevant, scholarly resources,

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3. Write a three- to four-page paper in which you report the results of your research relative to action item 2.

grading criteria:
the report clearly and coherently discusses the cause of the public health issue and the extent of its damage:
The report clearly describes the use of the PHIN to manage the public health issue:
The report clearly describes the potential impact of the PHIN on the public health issue in the future:
The report meets APA guidelines regarding in-text citations, list of cited references, and document formatting:


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