Rasmussen College A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Tale Discussion Discussion Post As you explored three major categories this week with modernism, post-

Rasmussen College A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Tale Discussion Discussion Post
As you explored three major categories this week with modernism, post-modernism, and post-colonial literature, what were your favorite author and short story of the readings? Why?
For your initial post, choose one of the readings to discuss. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ [1928–2014] )
Please refer to the specific elements of the category that you found in the text as well as direct quotes and lines from the reading. You may choose more than one story if you like, but the minimum is to discuss at least one of the short story readings in detail.

Name the work and author
Give at least three examples from the reading
Explain how what characteristics were evident in the story that made it modernist, post-modernist, or postcolonial according to your course content lessons folder. Please note: You may include magical realism under the post-colonial category.

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Rasmussen College A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Tale Discussion Discussion Post As you explored three major categories this week with modernism, post-
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