Read 3 articles, answer 4 questions. | Get Quick Solution

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Respond to the following questions in complete sentences using academic English to the best of your ability. Be sure to answer all parts of the question and use evidence from the text to support your claims. I recommend writing 4-7 sentences per question. Please note that questions 7 and 8 are worth two points each.


Michael Pollan’s essay An Animal’s Place examines the animals we use for meat and the way they are treated. Describe Pollan’s attitude toward the production and consumption of meat, using at least three examples from the text. What solution does Pollan propose?


What is David Foster Wallace’s main argument (or thesis) in Consider the Lobster? Give three examples that he uses to support his claims.


What is the main point (thesis) of “The Case for Animal Rights” by Tom Regan? Give three examples that the author uses to support his thesis.


Pick any two texts on this quiz and compare/contrast the perspectives o the authors toward the topic. What major similarities/differences do you see? Use at least two examples per text (four total), and explain whether you agree with one author more than the other, and why.


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