Read three articles, write an essay. | Get Quick Solution

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The Assignment: In an expository essay of 2,000 words or more, address one of the following prompts. This essay should feature a well-developed thesis and appropriate evidence to support your claims. You must engage and cite at least two essays assigned in this class, and two academic outside nonfiction sources. Be sure to provide thorough analysis of all quotes and examples, and include your own perspective or stance on the topic.

Describe the current trends in immigration. What are the effects of immigration on society, the economy, culture, education, and/or individuals? How does/has US policy on immigration contribute/d to these effects? What do you believe is the best way to approach immigration? (Immigration Problem Is About Us, Not them; America’s Real Dream Team; Exile: El Paso, Texas)

You must use the DVC Library Database for this assignment, and you must log in using your student ID number. Click here to access the database: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. I recommend using EBSCO or JSTOR, but any archive in this database is valid. You may use the articles to quote/paraphrase, and you should find articles that: add a new perspective on the topic; support your claims; provide counter-arguments to the authors we have read; and/or provide facts, statistics, experiences, or examples that you can use in your essay.(I will give you)

Format: This essay will be in MLA format. This means it will be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font (I prefer Times New Roman), with page numbers and your last name on each page, and a header on the first page. Your title should be original, and you must include a Works Cited page. Be sure to include in-text citations in the body of the essay.


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