Reflections on hs305 research methods in health science | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
Reflections on HS305 Research Methods in Health Science You are at the end of Research Methods in Health Science. Congratulations! I hope you are proud of the mock research proposal you have created. In this discussion, take some time to reflect on the skills you have learned and how they will enhance your future career and job search as you review two videos: Building Your Resume Using Externship Experience Using Externship and KU Relevant Coursework (View transcript here) Networking: Linked In (View transcript here) Then, pick one of the following questions. Be sure to respond to at least two student colleagues. One of your responses must be to a student who chose a question different than your choice. Choice 1: The video Building Your Resume Using Externship Experience Using Externship and KU Relevant Coursework says you should identify coursework that is most relevant to the job you are seeking. In your post: Discuss 2 jobs where taking research methods in health science will be important to list in this section. Provide a link to a job description of one of the jobs you have identified. Would this be a job you might be interested in? Explain your answer Choice 2: Hopefully the video Networking: Linked In gave you some ideas of how you can use the skills you learned in creating your mock proposal to help you identify groups within linked in that can help you expand you knowledge of Research Methods even further and impress others about what you already know. You might consider focusing on quality improvement, since health facilities extensively use quality initiatives. AIDress the following in your post: What are some of the skills you have learned in this course that you can highlight in your Linked-In profile to help gain the attention of employers? Identify at least one group noted in Linked In would be beneficial to you to join. Explain how this group could help you. Draft your request to join the group to potentially get feedback from your student colleagues to improve your ideas before submitting a request to join the group.
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