Research Step 2 | Get Quick Solution

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Research Step 2


Yahoo! It is our second research step!

Step 2 for your research paper is compiling a Preliminary Bibliography, and it consists of listing 22 sources in MLA Bibliographic format. This research step is especially important any time you have been given the ability to choose your own research topic since it is a test of the topic’s research viability. Remember if you cannot find 22 sources, there is a very strong chance that your research topic is not sufficient for the final project: the research paper. Also, you need to give a variety of sources so that the topic’s coverage is thorough.


There are 6 parts to Step 2, and they are listed below:

  1. Find and give the bibliographic citation for 1 encyclopedia article and copy a paragraph of the article under the citation.
  2. Find and give bibliographic citations for 5 books.
  3. Find and give bibliographic citations for 5 magazines/journals.
  4. Find and give bibliographic citations for 5 newspapers.
  5. Find and give bibliographic citations for 5 internet sites.
  6. Find and give the bibliographic citation for 1 source with a bibliography and copy a part of the bibliography list under the citation.


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