Response Paper for China Today Class | Get Quick Solution

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Please write a course reading-based, double-spaced 4-page response paper by addressing all of the following questions. Please do not provide short answers to each question in disconnected paragraphs, rather, you are expected to organize your argument and analysis into a coherent essay.

✔ According to the readings assigned in the first 6 weeks of course section 1, what are the most compelling aspects that you are able to identify in China’s transition from the Mao era to neoliberal post-Mao market reforms?

✔ What kind of role does the post-Mao Chinese state play in governing and regulating people’s everyday life?

✔ What are the problems and limitations of China’s rapid urbanization and building a middle-class xiaokang society?

✔ What is your view on the plight and struggles of the migrant workers?

Please use Times New Roman font 12.

You are required to cite the course readings properly and include authors, titles of the readings and page numbers in the reference or cited works section. Citation styles may vary and please feel free to follow MLA or Chicago styles.


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