Resting potential in a muscle cell | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

  1. The resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle is about -90mV while in a typical neuron it is about -65 mV. Knowing what the resting membrane potential depends on, what activities might be different in the muscle cell that could make its resting potential more negative than the neuron’s. Why do you think the resting potential in a muscle cell evolved to be this negative?
  2. In what ways are synaptic transmission between two neurons in the CNS similar to and different from synaptic transmission at the NMJ? Why are they so different?
  3. In mature neurons, ionotropic GABA receptors are inhibitory, while in developing neurons, ionotropic GABA receptors can be excitatory. How could GABA possibly be excitatory? (Think about ionic gradients and the Nernst potential.)
  4. How can glutamate, working through only ionotropic receptors, produce both fast, excitatory transmission and slow/neuromodulatory transmission
  5. How do neurotransmitters lead to long-term changes in neurons? Why do neurons need long-term changes?
  6. Synaptic plasticity involves changes in the response of a neuron. What could be modified in the presynaptic neuron to increase or decrease synaptic transmission? What could be modified in the postsynaptic neuron to increase or decrease synaptic transmission?
  7. Second messengers share one category of target in common. What is this? What advantage could this provide in slow synaptic signaling?
  8. three mechanisms that neurons use to increase their intracellular Ca++. What are they?


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