Restoration and Recovery Plan | Get Quick Solution

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Restoration and Recovery Plan | Get Quick Solution
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Review the information from the Cyberattack Scenario.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes a step-by-step restoration and recovery plan. This plan must create strategies to restore information-system operations in the event of an attack or failure.

Make sure to address the following points in the step-by-step plan:

  • In relation to your position, identify the steps you would take to address how to recover data, secure the establishment, and investigate the crime.
  • Include the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary methodologies and technologies designed to protect information systems and data as part of your plan’s justification.

Format your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation consistent with APA guidelines

include….title slide, reference slide, pictures, foot notes, intext citations, proper grammer, headings on slides


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