Risk Factors | Get Quick Solution

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You have learned risk factors for children in foster care, and risk factors for individual family members, and the family unit of military service members. In addition to risks, you have been asked to analyze resiliency of the various individuals, families, and groups within society. As a human service professional it is imperative to understand risks and resiliency. This is necessary to better offer programming to increase success for members of society presently at risk for negative outcomes.

For this Assignment please answer the following:

Part 1

Examine a societal issue impacting a family and discuss risks factors for this group as a whole and as individuals.

Part 2

Using the same societal issue impacting a family in Part 1, please distinguish resiliency between individual family members and the family unit.

Part 3

Analyze resilience theory by explaining salient points of this theoretical construct.

Part 4

In Part 1, risks for individual family members and the family unit were applied. In part 2, resiliency was applied to individual family members and the family unit. In part 3, resiliency theory is analyzed. For this final part it is now necessary to differentiate interventions that can be utilized with individual family members, and the entire family with the purpose of increasing resiliency.

This paper should be 4–6 pages (not including the cover page and reference page) in APA style format. Your paper should include a minimum of three academic peer-reviewed journal articles. Provide appropriate citations and references for any information you use in this paper. For help with citations, refer to the APA Quick Reference. For additional writing help, visit the Writing Center and review the guidelines for research, citation, and plagiarism.


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