Risks facing International Civilian Police | Get Quick Solution

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Risks facing International Civilian Police | Get Quick Solution
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Research Question: Identify security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police and apply strategies for overcoming these risks in a case study involving a UN peace operation.

This assignment helps you achieve our second course objective (CO-2): Apply strategies for overcoming security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police.

Formatting Requirements: 3 page paper in Arial or Times New Roman font, with sentencing double-spaced.

Research Requirements: Support your analysis with real world examples and research from at least three sources. At least one of these sources should be a scholarly book, paper, or journal article. As in Week 3, bring in the conceptual and theoretical ideas from your course readings and then research current case studies.

Citation Requirements: Credit all sources in text with parenthetical citations. Include full citations to all sources quoted or summarized in the paper, following Turabian’s parenthetical citation/reference list style of citation, in a Reference List at the end of your paper.

Grading Rubric:


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