​Short Essay: What did the ancient Hebrews (Jews) believe at the end the Babylonian Captivity, or around 500 BCE? | Get Quick Solution

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​Short Essay: What did the ancient Hebrews (Jews) believe at the end the Babylonian Captivity, or around 500 BCE? | Get Quick Solution
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study the original sources in the context of the history of the ancient Hebrews, avoiding placing them in the historical context of the Christianity, since the Christian faith began during the first century CE.

Try to present the ancient Hebrew faith in three aspects: 1) the nature of God, Yahweh, 2) the core value of the faith, and 3) the organization of the faith. Please pay attention to differences of the Hebrew faith from the later Christianity.

Please pay attention to the Babylonian Captivity around 500 BCE. Jewish faith experienced significant changes afterwards. However, many later changes are not important to be included in this essay.

You paper should include an Introduction to state your thesis, a few paragraphs to support your thesis, and a conclusion.

Your paper should be composed of 1,000 to 1,200 words, printed in double space, and including a reference sheet.


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