Should this type of study involve children given the risks of speeding the progression of the disease? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

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Miller, F. G., & Wertheimer, A. (2011). The fair transaction model of informed consent: An alternative to autonomous authorization. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 21(3), 201-18. Retrieved from Waller, B. N., & Repko, R. A. (2008). Informed consent: Good medicine, dangerous side effects. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 17(1), 66-74.


GAO Highlights (2005). Un-compensated Care. Retrieved from

For this Case Assignment, you are part of a medical research team and are tasked with gaining informed consent from potential participants. The study will seek to test an experimental drug with patients suffering from late-stage leukemia. The sample will be divided into a control group and the experimental group. Participants in the control group will be given a placebo, which could increase the progression of their disease. The sample will be composed of children

Discuss how you would go about seeking the consent of participants.

What questions would you expect from their parents/guardians?

How much information should you share with the children?

Should this type of study involve children given the risks of speeding the progression of the disease?

DS 2-3 pages Times new roman 12 pt

Be sure to provide in-text citation(s) and a reference list to support your viewpoints. Please use at least three (3) research sources (not Wikipedia, or fact sheets). Please do so in ALL subsequent submissions


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