Solution-Compare dry heat and moist heat methods of | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

i) How would the following items best be sterilized: a wrapped package of Petri dishes, antibiotic solution, agar media, glass pipettes and individual Petri dishes.

ii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of U.V. light and ionizing radiation as sterilizing agents?

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iii) Compare and contrast dry heat and moist heat as methods of microbial control.

iv) Define the following chemical substances in their action against microbes: sanitizer, germicide, antiseptic, disinfectant.

v) Describe each of the following in terms of its chemical nature, mechanism of action, mode of application, common uses and effectiveness, and advantages and disadvantages: heavy metals, phenolics, halogens.

vi) Describe the mechanism of action for the following families of antibiotics: cephalosporins, sulfa drugs, aminoglycodsides.


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