Solution-Describe the appearance of the papillary muscles | Free AI Content | Essay Helper


In this assessment, you will review gross anatomy by dissecting a fetal pig, a sheep heart, and a sheep kidney. Your dissection of the fetal pig will include the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the urinary system, and the digestive system. The instructions below will point you to the appropriate areas to dissect. Use the directions in the dissection guides provided with your LabPaq to perform each dissection. You will receive a hard copy of the dissection booklet in your LapPaq. You will also have access to digital copies of the LabPaq lab manual by following the web link below, which includes step-by-step dissection guides with color pictures.

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Note: You are not required to take pictures of your dissections or answer the questions found in the lab manual. The manual is provided as a resource for performing the dissections only.

Perform the following dissections:

1. The sheep heart and the cardiovascular system of the fetal pig

2. The respiratory system of the fetal pig

3. The sheep kidneys and the urinary system of the fetal pig

4. The components of the endocrine system of the fetal pig

5. The digestive system of the fetal pig

After performing the above dissections, you will prepare a written paper that you will submit in TaskStream.


A. Write a paper in which you aIDress the following:

1. Discuss your dissection of the sheep heart and the cardiovascular system of the fetal pig by doing the following:

a. Describe the similarities and differences between the fetal pig heart and the sheep heart.

b. Describe the four valves of the heart, including their name, location, and function.

c. Discuss the similarities and differences between the left and right sides of the heart.

d. Compare the structure of the atrioventricular valves to the structure of the semilunar valves.

e. Describe the appearance of the papillary muscles.

f. Describe the path that blood takes starting in the right atrium and ending in the superior/inferior vena cava.

2. Discuss your dissection of the respiratory system of the fetal pig by doing the following:

a. Compare the structure of the trachea to the structure of the esophagus.

b. Describe how the structures of the respiratory system (i.e., trachea, bronchi, and lungs) relate to their functions.

c. Describe the texture of the lungs.

d. Describe the similarities and differences between the left lung and the right lung.

3. Discuss your dissection of the sheep kidneys and the urinary system of the fetal pig by doing the following:

a. Compare the structure of the fetal pig kidneys to the structure of the sheep kidneys.

b. Describe the location of the kidneys in the fetal pig.

c. Describe the path that urine takes to exit the body, starting in the kidney.

4. Discuss your dissection of the components of the endocrine system of the fetal pig by doing the following:

a. Describe the endocrine organs that are located in the throat region (e.g., function and appearance).

b. Describe three endocrine organs that are located in the abdominal cavity.

5. Discuss your dissection of the digestive system of the fetal pig by doing the following:

a. Describe the major digestive organs, including their name, location, relative size, and physical characteristics (e.g., color, shape, texture).

b. Describe the accessory digestive organs, including their name, location, relative size, and physical characteristics (e.g., color, shape, texture).


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