Solution-Describe the effects of paralysis on the skeleton | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

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1. Following a severe spinal cord injury in the lumbar region, the voluntary muscles of the legs and hips will be paralyzed. Describe the effects of paralysis on the skeleton.

2. A 5 month old infant is brought to a clinic after having diarrhea for 2 days. The nurse checks the baby’s anterior fontanel and notices that it appears sunken. What has caused this?

RECOMMENDED BOOK; Textbook: Scanlon, Valarie C. & Sander, Tina (2015). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.


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The lumbar spine is comprised of five large vertebrae i.e. L1-L5. It is situated below the cervical and thoracic region of the spine (Scanlon & Sander, 2015). Spinal cord tissue and nerves tissues are the two main constituents of the lumbar that function in controlling the communication between the brain and the lower part of the body. Injury to the spinal cord in these regions consequently affects the area of hips and the groin along with having an effect on the lower abdominal muscles and thigh flexion as well.

One important point is to note that the spinal cord extends to an L2 segment of the lumbar spine only and not to the entire length. Injuries to the lumbar spine especially L3, L4, and L5 cause the absence of sensation in the feet. However, the severe injuries in these regions can lead to the loss of the sensory and motor control at the lower part of the body ultimately resulting in the paralysis.


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