Solution-Developed chronic kidney disease or ckd | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Imagine that you have developed chronic kidney disease or CKD. Developing CKD means you have some decisions to make about your treatment. Your choices include, but are not limited to:

  • hemodialysis
  • peritoneal dialysis
  • kidney transplantation

Each treatment has advantages and disadvantages. Your choice of treatment will have a big impact on your day-to-day lifestyle, such as being able to keep a job if you are working. You may also choose to forgo treatment. Research these choices and give your point of view as to the best option for you. Include your reasoning for your choice and be sure to include references for any outside resources you use in your post. This is a very personal question. Please share only that which you are comfortable sharing and be kind to each other in your responses. Not everyone will choose the same treatment or reasoning. It is expected that you will be professional and compassionate in your responses.

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