Solution-Explain the difference and why tig is so important | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

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1. In Rh disease of the newborn, maternal antibodies enter fetal circulation and destroy the red blood cells of the fetus. A mother with type O blood has anti-A and anti-B antibodies, but may have a dozen type A children without any problem at all. Explain why.

2. Everyone should have a tetanus booster shot every 10 years. That is what we often call a “tetanus shot”. Someone who sustains a soil-contaminated injury should also receive a tetanus booster (if none in the past 10 years.) But someone who has symptoms of tetanus should get TIG, tetanus immune globulin.

Explain the difference, and why TIG is so important.

Text book. Scanlon, V. C., & Sanders, T. (2011). Essentials of anatomy and physiology 7th ed.). Philadedelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.


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Rh disease is commonly seen when the mother and the baby do have different RhD factors. When there is occurrence of sensitization by any chance then there is possibility of Rh disease. Similarly when O blood type mother giving birth to A or B type baby, there is fair chance of problems of blood incompatibility. The current report is a discussion on the Rh disease, blood incompatibility as well as Tetanus immunity in human beings.


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