Solution-Explorers and modern scientists | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

100-200 words

You should conduct research on the topic of discussion and use this research to support your answers. You can use Internet articles, journals, text books, etc. In fact, I strongly recommend that you utilize the APUS Online Library for your research as they offer a plethora of reliable and pertinent research sources. You may access the Online Library by clicking on the “Library” link on the menu bar to the left inside the electronic classroom. However, NEVER use Wikipedia for your research as anyone can alter the information on this site making it a poor source of accurate information. Be sure to list your references at the end of your post, include in-text citations where applicable, and be sure that both are in APA format.

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The quest for the “Fountain of Youth” has long been a goal of both early explorers and modern scientists. It also driven a huge industry based on the premise that it’s possible to slow down, stop, or even reverse the process of aging.

Choose one property of the human body (and mind), i.e. organ, organ system, tissue type and discuss how it changes with age and these changes affect total lifespan. Is there any current research in medical science that supports any way to slow its process of aging? What about the claims by the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and/or nutritional supplements that some of their products have an effect on aging of the system you chose? Are any valid?


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