Solution-Find a news article describing a case of pollution | Browse Homework Help

Pollutants have been defined as toxic chemicals which invade or are released into our environment. Find a news article describing a case of pollution. From your readings in the book and your article (and aIDitional readings), describe what harmful levels of this pollutant would be for humans, how we would regulate and test for the levels of this pollutant, and describe 2 aIDitional routes of possible exposures for your pollutant.


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“Lead emissions and pollution – A review”


Advancement of civilization has brought number of risks to the human life on the planet. GHG emissions and the increased industrial pollutants are some of the several emissions that are being emitted into the atmosphere and causing harm to human beings. The present write up is focused on the discussion of the Lead emissions into the atmosphere and the effect of lead presence in the environment on the human beings. Lead is being emitted into the atmosphere through number of channels. One of the popular channel of lead emission into the atmosphere is by means of Transport sector.

Through the fuel used for the transportation Tetra ethyl lead (TEL) finds ways into the internal combustion engines and the combustion of the fuel in the engines will emit large quantities of the lead into the atmosphere. Millions of tons of lead is being emitted into the atmosphere every day. However the lead emission through this channel is limited to the urban and semi-urban localities, there are several other channels where lead finds ways into the atmosphere like lead emission into the environment in the form of the appliances like lead batteries, paint etc


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