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A written summary of the required reading assignments will be due on the assigned due dates in the course calendar. Each written assignment should be a minimum of 2 pages in length (typed, times new roman or equivalent font, double-spaced, with one inch margins on page) and should provide a brief overview of the topics covered in the reading. Elaborating on any specific topic you find of particular interest is encouraged and at your discretion, after you have completed the initial requirements for the summary. Submitting your written summary as a Microsoft Word document in the appropriate Learning Unit assignment drop box within the course shell.

Follow these specific guidelines when composing your paper. Adhere to these guidelines exactly or points will be deducted, after the content is graded for professionalism and correctness of facts.

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1. Completely and professionally summarize the reading assignments (no plagarism as per ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY…ANY and ALL violations will result in a ZERO).

2. Must be a minimum of 2 pages of text.

3. Double spaced.

4. Text font must be the following.

5. Must have 1 inch margins and 1 inch header/footer. pts.

6. Correct Spelling and Grammar


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