Solution-How do our genes affect our suscebtibility to | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Part 1:

Assignment #2 and #3 -Journal Bi-weekly activity

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Throughout the semester, students will be instructed to post an article from related to topics discussed in lecture. Students should come to class prepared to share their findings.

Objective: Students increase their awareness of research in the field of biology and discuss effects on society


1. Visit and select an article

2. Click on “Tools” then on “Journal”Follow instructions under the “Journal tab”

1. post your selected article title and link

2. summarize article and methods used

3. describe effects of findings on society

4. Where should we go from here with this information?

Part 2:

Disease/ Disability Essay

• Disease Essay Assignment S-2016.docx (19.975 KB)

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to apply meaning to your understanding of how the cell works.

• Are there consequences to a poor diet or lack of exercise?

• How do our genes affect our suscebtibility to disease?

• Exactly what happens in the aging process that makes us more susceptible to disease?

• Are certain cultures more susceptile to particular diseases?

• How can technology assist in our treatment and prevention of disease? And how can this same technology be, at times, controversial in nature?

“Disease”/”Disorder” take-home assignment

Research one of the following diseases/disorders/disabilities listed below (or another of your choice). Explore something that has personally affected you or a family member. Choose something that you are interested in that has personal meaning to you!

Write a short essay 450-550 words (3-4 pages double spaced) that roughly follows the format below. Find one awesome video to accompany your topic and site three reputable web sites. I am primarily concerned with why you choose this diseaseand why you are interested in educating the public on your topic.

1. Introduction -Why do we care?

1. Historical context; why did you pick this disease/disability?

• What family member or friend is afflicted with this disease?

• Is this disease (or topic) impacting society or particular groups in a negative way?

• Perhaps you are interested in learning more about unknown cause of this disease?

• Are there controversial or ethical concerns relating to this disease /or treatment or related research?

2. Background-

1. what type of disease (or problem) is this?

– chromosomal abnormality
– nutritional abnormality
– bacterial
– viral
– psychological
– autoimmune
– other

2. How was this disease (or problem) discovered (or diagnosed?

3. Are only certain members of society affected? Does this disease effect only the elderly? Women or men? Particular cultures susceptible to it?

3. Affliction:

1. What are the signs and symptoms?

2. Is early diagnosis available? Describe the technology (if any) for the following:

1. pre-natal testing
2. gene testing
3. blood tests
4. other

3. Research being conducted : (6 points)

– Treatment

1. cell therapy
2. radiation
3. cell therapy
4. diet

– prevention

4. prognosis for future patients and affect on society Ways to educate public? Final thoughts? (6 points)

Possible sources for Diseases

The following diseases are just ideas for you to use. You may select any disease or disability!

1. a “nutritional disease”/metabolic disorder: (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, Osteosporosis ,

2. disease of the cells (unregulated cell growth: cancer)

3. Chromosomal abnormality (Downs syndrome, cyctic fibrosis, color blindness, sickle cell anemia …. etc)

4. autoimmune diseases

5. viral diseases, rabies, herpes, smallpox, HIV etc….)

6. bacterial disease (anthrax, botilism, Lyme disease, syphillis, typhoid fever)…

7. Psychological disease /mental disorder (anorexia,bulimia, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, autism, AID, ADHD…… etc)

8. Prion diseases: (Alzheimer’s, Mad-cow disease etc…..)

9. Aging.


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