Solution-Identify three special population groups in the | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. Identify three special population groups in the U.S. and explain some of the major health care issues that are unique to each group. Providing examples, analyze the efforts of the U.S. health care system to aIDress the needs of these special population groups. Do you think that the U.S. health care system is doing a good job? Why or why not?
2. Provide an example of at least one health care policy or program that has been adopted in your state within the past two years. Describe the impetus for this policy and identify any special population groups that were especially affected. Was the group affected in a positive or negative way? Identify some of the key stakeholders who were involved in initiating the policy or program and their roles in the process.
3. Answer both quesitons seperately. Do not need a tittle or reference page. You may answer questions on the same piece of paper and provide references after each question. APA format and min of 200 words per question! Firm on price so dont ask for handshake if you want more money or have bad reviews.

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