Solution-Perspective of a dietitian | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Read the following from the perspective of a dietitian. In point form, write five statements that you would discuss with Curtis, with the goal of improving his health. For each point, aID a sentence that gives him information about metabolism that he should be aware of and the reason why he should consider changing his diet and lifestyle.

Curtis is a 50 year old male. His job is sedentary and he participates in no regular physical activity. He quit smoking when he was 40, after having had a near-fatal heart attack. His mother and father both suffered heart attacks in their fifties and his grandmother (on his mothers side had two strokes. He drinks energy drinks in the morning with bacon and eggs, and has two hamburgers and a plate of fries for lunch everyday. He always has a serving of meat and salad for dinner, and a bag of potato chips and a diet soft drink for a snack in the evening.

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