Solution-Physician would hear in herstethoscope | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Hans had had a strep throat two weeks before he was to start anew job. He had to complete some work before he could resign fromhis old position so he ignored the bacterial infection. In thefirst week of his new job he noticed he felt weak and short ofbreath. An ECG revealed an enlarged P wave. What abnormality do youthink it would be likely that his physician would hear in herstethoscope? What would cause this unusual sound?Hans had had a strep throat two weeks before he was to start anew job. He had to complete some work before he could resign fromhis old position so he ignored the bacterial infection. In thefirst week of his new job he noticed he felt weak and short ofbreath. An ECG revealed an enlarged P wave. What abnormality do youthink it would be likely that his physician would hear in herstethoscope? What would cause this unusual sound?

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