Solution-Possible combinations of phenotypes and genotypes | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. A child is born with a rare genetic disease, Heterotaxy Visceral, HTX1.

a. Determine what are/is the possible combinations of phenotypes and genotypes the parents of this child will have. A biologically sound logical answer is required here.

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b. Describe the condition (in 3 sentences or less).

c. Identify the condition in terms of a gene map locus.

2. Given a mating between a male with blood type(s) B and Rh- and a female with blood type(s) O and Rh+Respond to the following queries:

a. What are (all) the probable genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of thismating?

b. What role do glycoproteins and glycolipids play in blood group specificity?


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