Solution-Problem regarding the capital budgeting decisions | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

DQ 1 Factors in Capital Budgeting Decisions

Imagine you are a representative of management in the company you have selected for your Week Six assignment and you must make a capital budgeting decision.  The decision is to implement a new computer network system to decrease the time between customer order and delivery. The cost will be 10% of last year’s profits. You are charged with describing the important considerations in the decision-making process to upper management.  In your response, be sure to include the following:

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  • A description of the important factors, in aIDition to quantitative factors, that were considered when making this capital budgeting decision.
  • An explanation of how these factors are significant to the company.
  • A summary of how you will determine the criteria to rank capital budgeting decisions and whether some criteria are more important than others.
  • A calculation of the proposed return on investment based on criteria you select and justification for that ROI.

Develop a 200 – 250 word explanation supporting your recommendations


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