Solution-Public health campaign and upload | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Create and upload a narrated 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation targeted toward a potential funding source for your public health campaign and upload it using the link below. Refer to the Final Project Guidelines in this week’s Required Resources for the PowerPoint presentation criteria.

PART II: Narrated PowerPoint Presentation (Submit in Week 11)

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  • Campaign Message: include any graphics or pictures (If you use graphics, you must consider whether they are trademarked and whether you need to gain permissions to use them in your public health campaign. Suggestion: use public domain graphic images or create your own). Examples for campaign message: video, blog, poster, public service announcement, etc.
  • Text: Make sure your messages are free of bias and remain culturally relevant and truly reflect a public health issue. Also, clearly define the benefit of changing individual behavior or attitudes towards the issue.
  • Make sure your message and presentation of the campaign are clear and concise.
  • Consider the health literacy levels of your target audience.
  • Direct your public health campaign toward a funding source and provide one slide justifying why your campaign deserves funding.
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentation (10-15 slides)

In doing the power point, use obesity as the public health problem you are making this campaign on. Secondly try to avoid any plagiarism in the work because it is being checked when submitted. Also include citations.


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