Solution-What surgical procedure will be performed | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. George, a 20-year old man, injured his jaw and lost several teeth in a bar room brawl. Several weeks later he began to experience sharp stabbing pain in his lower jaw. After visiting the dentist, he was told that he had trigeminal neuralgia. What is this condition and how is it treated?

2. While working in the emergency room you receive two patients who were in an automobile accident. One is dead on arrival, having suffered a transaction of the spinal cord at the level of C2. The other patient suffered a similar injury, but at the level of C5, and is still alive. Explain briefly in terms of phrenic nerve origin and function why one injury was fatal and the other was not.

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3. Ms. Johnson, an automobile whiplash victim, has been suffering spinal shock, but is looking forward to complete recovery. One night on evening rounds, her nurse discovered her in a fetal position, her body drenched with sweat. She was incontinent of feces and urine and her blood pressure was dangerously high. After a while she was stabilized. How could these events happen and what is this response called?

4. Richard has been under great stress and has complained of migraine headaches for weeks. He tried all kinds of drugs, with little effect. When he was at the end of his rope, a friend suggested yoga and meditation. Having nothing to lose, he tied them and after several months, felt like a new person. How could these practices help him?

5. Mrs. Oberhaus needs surgery to correct a severe case of Raynaud’s disease, affecting one of her hands. What surgical procedure will be performed? After the surgery, will she more likely to suffer from anhidrosis (lack of sweating) or hyperhidrosis (profuse sweating) in the affect hand?


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