Solution-Which is the chordate class considered an evidence | Free AI Content | Essay Helper


1. Which is the chordate class considered an evidence of the transition of the vertebrates from the aquatic to the dry land environment?

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2. What are the amphibian features that make them dependent on water to survive?

3. Do amphibians have direct development?

4. How different are the respiration in adult amphibians and the respiration in fishes?

5. How is respiration performed by the larva of amphibians?

6. How different is the amphibian heart from the fish heart?

7. How is excretion done in amphibians?

8. Is fecundation in amphibians internal or external? In this aspect are amphibians evolutionarily proximal to fishes or to reptiles?

9. Why is the occurrence of eyelids in amphibians in comparison to their absence in fishes an adaptation to terrestrial life?

10. What are the problems that vertebrates needed to solve to adapt to the terrestrial environment since they came from the aquatic habitat? How evolution does solve those problems?

11. Amphibian identity card. How are amphibians characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, circulation, skin, nitrogen waste, respiration, thermal control and types of reproduction? 


Verified Expert

The amphibians are totally aquatic in the partially terrestrial animals and larval stage as adults and for these facts they are considered intermediate beings in the evolutionary passage of vertebrates from the aquatic to the dry land habitat. In fishes gas exchange is done by direct contact of water with the branchiae (gills), Exit the circulation through the gills and Gases gain.


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