Solution-Write the equation for glycolysis | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

This Case assignment will focus on the steps of cellular respiration.  Cellular respiration can take place with or without the presence of oxygen.  These states and the processes that occur in them are termed “aerobic” and “anaerobic.”  View this animation of anaerobic respiration, or fermentation.

Now view these animations on aerobic respiration – an overviewand cellular respiration.

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Compare and contrast these reactions.

What initial reaction occurs in both anaerobic and aerobic respiration?

What type of molecule enters glycolysis?

Write the equation for glycolysis.  What is oxidized?  What is reduced?  Where do the electrons go?

List the main processes associated with aerobic cellular respiration.  What molecule enters the Kreb cycle? What is the byproduct of the Krebs cycle? Where do the electrons go?  What is oxidized? What is reduced?  What is the purpose of NADH and FADH2?  Write the oxidized and the reduced form of each.

Which process makes more ATP: anaerobic or aerobic respiration?  Why? Explain oxidation phosphorylation of ATP.
Which type of respiration do humans use?  Where do the steps of each process occur in the human body?  Which type of respiration is more efficient?

Write the general equation for aerobic respiration.  Indicate which chemicals are oxidized and reduced.

Are carbohydrates the only sources of fuel that can enter cellular respiration? (HINT:  Think of the other macromolecules and look at Topic 19: Fats and digestion and Topic 23: Proteins and amino acid break down to read more about these components of metabolism).  Demonstrate the conversions that other fuel sources must go through in order to enter cellular respiration.  Insert diagrams if it helps you explain the process. 

Assignment Expectations

Organize this assignment using subtitles related to the content for each question.  Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question.  Be sure to include a references section at the end of your assignment that lists the sources that you were required to read and any aIDitional resources you used to research your answers.



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