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Here is a brief outline of what you’ll all be doing for the Group Assignment, worth 30pts. Each member of each group formed around a particular story from chapter one of Censored 2019 (also online (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) should have a particular task for posting and presenting. We will choose stories in class. All research info, notes, summaries, etc. for this assignment must be Posted in your particular Group Discussion Area. Presentations are informal, though student findings will be presented to the class. More will be explained in class, but here is what you can expect…

2) Censored? How? Why? Explain. See previously related stories and lectures as well as class readings from Censored and Herman/Chomsky and Parenti on the Propaganda Model and Media Filters.

Reminder- Propaganda Model= 1) Ownership, 2) Advertising, 3) Sourcing, 4) Flak, 5) Ideology.

Parenti’s Media Filters= omission, attacking, labeling, preemptive assumptions, face value transmission, slighting of content, false balancing, follow up avoidance, framing

NOTE: I’m putting this option out there for a possible group if some folks prefer it.

For the Group that may be dealing with Junk Food News and News Abuse (chapters 2 and 3 in the Censoredbook)

Junk News and News Abuse:

1) Junk/Abuse

-define terms and issues

2) Examples from the 2018 book- analyze

3) New examples of Junk and Abuse

– Junk- find two from June of 2018 to the present

– Abuse- find two from June of 2018 to the present

4) Effects of this coverage, blurring of entertainment and news (infotainment)

5) What other important stories were in the independent media at this time that were pushed off the pages while said Junk News Story was running?

More to come, but this will prepare us for what’s ahead.


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