Storyboarding to Connect Visuals to an Argument | Get Quick Solution

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Storyboarding to Connect Visuals to an Argument | Get Quick Solution
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This exercise allows you to practice connecting your data visualization to a specific point/purpose for a specific audience.


To complete this exercise, you should have your dataset and also should have drafted your three visualization. You will now create a “storyboard” to visually plan how you will integrate visuals into the argument of the deliverable to create a “story” or argument.

Step 1

  • Describe each visual you are planning
  • Describe your argument or point
  • Outline your argument or point. Feel free to headings to help you outline.

Step 2

  • Put the visuals in the order that best makes your point
  • Integrate the visuals into your outline to create a storyboard that connects planned visuals to the “story” or point you are making

Your completed storyboard should clearly describe the point you are making, and where and how the visuals fit in.



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