Structure & Features Of USA Law System And Supreme Court Decisions write an email to Jenny explaining which card goes with which spot on the game board and | Homework Answers
Structure & Features Of USA Law System And Supreme Court Decisions write an email to Jenny explaining which card goes with which spot on the game board and why, as well as which card-holder would be the winner of the game any information must be APA formatted. Overview
You are an intern in the legal department at Acme Widget Company headquarters. Every year, the
law department sponsors “Legalpalooza” a fun-filled event designed to help members of the
community understand why law is important and how it affects their lives. Your supervisor has asked
you to help with this event. The head of the legal department, Larry Lawless, is so impressed with
your work that he offers you a full-time job at Acme Widget. Your only hesitation about accepting the
offer is that you have always been intrigued by criminal law and are not sure if criminal law would
ever be relevant to a business. In response, Larry assures you that you will need to research this
question in a future assignment.
There are two activities that are especially popular at Legalpalooza: “Race to the Courthouse” and “You
Be the Judge.” Unfortunately, the materials for both games are in disarray and you will need put them
back in order and make sure they will be ready for the big day.
Your friend and colleague, Jenny Jacobs, has offered to help you sort everything out. Jenny is thinking of
applying to law school and wants to learn as much as she can about the law before she makes her
You have received the following emails from your supervisor Holly Hawkes
Holly Hawkes
To: You
Subject: Legalpalooza!!
Good morning,
I hope you are settling in to your new position and liking your internship with Acme Widget; we sure are
happy to have you! Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but every year, the law department sponsors
Legalpalooza, a fun-filled event designed to help high school students and members of the community
understand why law is important and how it affects their lives. We are beginning our plans for this
years event, and Ive assigned you the task of assisting Jenny Jacobs with a game were calling Race to
the Courthouse. This will be a type of life size board game. To briefly summarize the game: each player
draws a card that gives a brief summary of a case. Depending on which court would have jurisdiction,
they proceed to that space on the game board. The player who reaches the US Supreme Court first wins.
Refer to the Race to the Courthouse “cards” and game board and send Jenny an email that explains
which card goes with which spot on the game board and why as well as which card-holder would be
the winner of the game. Each card is numbered so that you can reference the card numbers in your
Holly Hawkes
To: You
Subject: New assignment
Good morning,
The Legalpalooza team is doing a great job, and weve generated a lot of excitement in the community
with regards to this years event. Im adding another event to the agenda and, since you did such a good
job on Race to the Courthouse, I am also assigning this to you. Were going to call this event You Be The
Judge. We have a number of volunteers that will reenact some key cases. The audience will act as
members of the Supreme Court and render a decision. Each decision will also include how that decision
will impact businesses. The members of the audience who agree with the original decision of the court
will receive some sort of small prize (lets not worry about what that might be at this time).
Here are the cases we will reenact:
Granholm v. Heald
Gibbons v. Ogden
Lochner v. New York
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
What you need to supply is a partial case brief (facts, relevant issue(s), holding(s), and reasoning) for
each Supreme Court case and how these decisions affect businesses.
Thanks! And keep up the good work!
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