SUPER EASY! One-Page Analysis | Get Quick Solution

I’m studying for my Social Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

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Honestly shouldn’t take longer than about 30 minutes, super easy assignment. Just pick one of the videos (it doesn’t matter which one) and then answer the two following questions. It should be one page long double spaced and I attached the rubric just for reference.


  1. Choose a norm breaking experiment from the list below, or you can find one on the internet that interests you.
  2. Write a one-page description and analysis of the norm-breaking experience.

One-Page Analysis:

Please respond to the following an a one-page analysis. The submissions should be double-spaced, in 12-point font, and readable.

Q1: In a paragraph, explain what social norms are, and what their function is. Describe the norm that violated in the clip you chose. Describe and how this behavior violates the expectations of society.

Q2: In another paragraph, describe the responses or sanctions that the norm violator got from others. What did people say or do in response to the violation? Explain why you think that people responded the way they did. Finally, how did this clip make you feel when you watched it? Were you uncomfortable?

List of Norm Violations to choose from:


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

90.0 to >80.0 pts


Two paragraphs are provided and include the following: 1). The first paragraph explains what social norms are and what their function is. The first paragraph also describes the social norm that was violated, and how the behavior violates the expectations of society. 2). The second paragraph describes the responses or sanctions that the norm violator got from others. What did people say or do in response to the violation? Explain why you think that people responded the way they did. Finally, how did this clip make you feel when you watched it? Were you uncomfortable?

80.0 to >70.0 pts


Paragraphs may not answer all of the questions completely as outlined in the proficient category.

70.0 to >0 pts


Answers are missing and descriptions are needed.

90.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProofreading

10.0 to >7.0 pts


The response had very few, if any, grammar and spelling errors, and the reader can grasp the main ideas.

7.0 to >3.0 pts


Some grammatical and/or spelling errors are present, but they do not impact the reader’s ability to grasp the overall meaning.

3.0 to >0 pts


There are many grammatical errors and/or spelling errors that impact the reader’s ability to grasp the meaning of the essay.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


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