Technical Communication – Creating tables in Microsoft Word Refer to Ch. 9 and 10 of Technical Communication for this assignment. Write instructions for a | Homework Answers

Technical Communication – Creating tables in Microsoft Word Refer to Ch. 9 and 10 of Technical Communication for this assignment.

Write instructions for a 1- to 2-page handout that explains how to create a table in Microsoft®Word (whatever version you have) and how to add and delete columns and rows from an existing table.

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Technical Communication – Creating tables in Microsoft Word Refer to Ch. 9 and 10 of Technical Communication for this assignment. Write instructions for a | Homework Answers
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Note: You may choose a task different from the table, but it still needs to be a technical one.

Include the following in your instructional handout:

Summary of the program and version of the program you are using
Design that reveals to the reader how your information is organized
Effective use of blank space
Organized and consistent design of active space
Illustrations taken from screenshots or a snipping tool that are appropriately cited
Titled and numbered illustrations that are referred to in the instructions

Note: Check the Microsoft® website for the wording that must accompany the use of its software images.

Continue to develop the characteristics of good writing, and proofread your document for common errors.


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