Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Every potential customer must read the terms and conditions listed below before ordering. If the customer believes that the standards and rules defined on this page contradict his personal beliefs, attitudes or opinions, it is advisable not to use the service. Only adults are allowed to buy products on this website. With the order, the customer automatically accepts the conditions under which the company carries out its activities and cooperates with customers. All customers are asked to interact with the company in strict compliance with the conditions set out below.


  • “Company”, “Website” or “Site” refers to thebrowsegrades.com.
  • “Customer” or “Customer” is a person who places an order with The Browse Grades.
  • “Writer” is a person who is in a contract with the company and provides original research, writing, advice or editing services.
  • “Ordering” is a technical term for a product (essay, dissertation, dissertation, etc.), the main goal of the customer when discontinuing our services.
  • “Product” is a term that represents the content element and / or the research that is carried out according to the requirements of the customer
  • “Messaging System” is a term that defines a communication tool developed by the company with which the customer and the publisher can exchange messages.

Service we offer

The company offers its clients freelance writing services with freelance subcontractors or writers. The customer provides the company with the product specifications as well as the research and writing deadline and the company undertakes to complete the product within the specified time according to the customer’s requirements.

The product that the customer receives from working with the company is reserved for personal, non-commercial use. When uploading an end product to the website, the publisher does a full transfer of ownership and copyright to the company. The product the customer receives is non-refundable and there is no guarantee.

Copyright and personal use

The delivered products, the additional files or the communication lines that are part of the delivery of the product can only be used as a template for the customer’s own research. By placing an order, the customer agrees not to sell, distribute, change, publish the product, additional content, communication threads or files in connection with the product purchased on the website. In one of the above cases, legal steps are initiated by the company. The customer has no copyright for the product that he receives and therefore cannot and will not present the product as his own. The company cannot and will not be held responsible for the results of unauthorized use of the product. The customer takes full responsibility for the product and is obliged to protect the company against unauthorized use of the product received.

Product delivery process

Once the customer has placed the order, they must interact with the website and communicate with their publisher to ensure delivery of the product according to the specifications and within the desired time frame. To be successful, the customer must ensure the following:

Functional hardware and software. The customer is responsible for ensuring the uninterrupted operation of his computer or other electronic device, internet, mail server, etc. for the delivery of the order. The company is not responsible for the unavailability of any of the above resources that could prevent the product from being delivered accurately.

Constant collaboration with Writer. The customer acknowledges that The Browse Grades is an independent platform that promotes direct communication between the writer and the customer while the product is being delivered via the messaging system. It is the responsibility of the customer to monitor the progress of their order and to update the publisher with the information necessary for the order to be delivered correctly. The customer understands that the messaging system does not include instant chat and that the author may need a while to respond. To speed up the process, the customer can contact the support team at any time via email or create a request using the “Support” tab in their account.

Email availability. Due to the fact that email is the only communication channel, the customer has to monitor their inbox messages for updates to the product’s company ratings. The customer has fourteen (14) days to express his opinion on the quality of the product. At the end of the 14 day period, the company will release payment to the writer at its sole discretion, fulfilling the writer’s commitments and delivering the product successfully. The order is defined as completed and no changes are approved.

Payment of the order

Payment for the product is calculated according to the company’s tariffs and must be paid in advance. The company only begins processing the order after the product has been paid for and authorized.


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