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IPS Integration Essay Instructions

IPS Integration Essay: Cognate/Career Synthesis Incorporating a Christian Worldview 

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General Instructions: This final essay will synthesize chosen cognates with a view to career application and a Christian worldview. The following parameters are to be followed: 

Essay Form

5–7 pages

Formatting style preferred by your favored cognate department—noted on Cover Page (APA, Turabian, MLA, etc.)

Minimum of 6sources (may include lecture notes, course readings, etc.)

Cover Page: Name, Course/Section, Date, Cognates Listing, Paper Title, Chosen Formatting Style, Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for INDS 400 Capstone Course

Essay form—See the Assignment Instructions folder for a sample IPS Integration Essay.





An integrative device such as an analogy/metaphor must be used within the body of the essay as a vehicle for clarity. (For example, for an essay from a female with Business/Communications cognates, the Proverbs 31 woman could be used.)

Conclusions must clarify career aspirations/plans/desires which incorporate chosen cognates all of which must also be filtered through a Christian worldview.

Please consult our Writing Center for questions/concerns about formatting (see left margin on website):

Prepare your Integration Essay as a Microsoft Word document; title the document “INDS 400_section#_Name_IPS Integration Essay” and upload as a file into the submission area in the Module/Week 6 assignment folder. 


Submit your IPS Integration Essay by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.


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